Friday, June 28, 2013


hey guys, how are you? udah berapa lama ngga ngepost yaa?.-.haha HOLIDAY!!!! SUMMER!!!! yey\m/ now, i want to share with you my outfit ideas for holiday *not just for summer*. So, check this out~
- Casual:

for pants you can use grey jeans, Converse (sneakers), strips top, with grey cardigan, ice watch, dark purple nailpolish, and round sunglasses. maybe you can wear your snapback;)

- Dress:

for dress, you can wear long dress or mini floral dress, beanie, bracelet, lavender nail polish, grey shoes. maybe you can wear belt;)

- another Casual:

still casual style, but for you who like to wear denim short pants you can wear it, puppy or kitty(?)top, converse(sneakers), butterfly necklace, black beanie, bracelet, ice watch, Oaklay glasses, dark purple nail poslish. you can wear socks if you like:)

-the last~

strips top, denim short pants, black hat (beanie, cap, or anything you like:) ) round sunglasses, native american Indian necklace, bracelet, dark purple nail polish. for shoes, you can wear sneakers, ankle boots, or anything you like;) wedges? suree:D

so, that is my holiday outfit ideas. which one do you like??